Hi, I’m Katya

I am a singer, writer and guide.

The Listening Voice is a process birthed from my own lived experience and all the teachers, both seen and unseen, that have inspired me along my path. Each guiding me one step deeper so that now I can share this work with you.

This work is in service to guiding individuals to reclaiming their authentic voice and reminding the body of its natural capacity for release, healing and integration. This work is not about creating dependencies. The practices are an invitation back to your own sovereign listening so that you, your witnessing presence and the natural expression of your body can take agency.

My voice has been both my gift and my curse.

I was never trained to sing.

When I was a kid me and my dad would make music together. He was the one who taught me how to listen. I was 13 when he left my family home and that was when I first lost my voice. I didn’t know how to tell him that I didn’t want him to leave.

So for 10 years my voice was buried under the weight of this silence. To open it would mean to touch the unimaginable pain of losing my best friend. But I didn’t have a choice. The longing to hear myself again and to feel that electric pull of my sound was so much stronger than the fear of my pain.

I opened my voice and I was thrown into the pit of the unfelt, the unspoken and the unheard. Meeting myself naked, exposed and bare. So I sang and I kept singing. I knew my true voice was buried deep somewhere within me and I had to go on a journey of reclamation. My voice became my medicine. My voice became the path to my liberation. I had to come back to my voice to bring myself home.

If you would like to get in touch about collaborations, future workshops and mentorship, I would love to hear from you