1:1 voice mentorship

I will guide you through a 9 step process where you awaken your senses to listen to your inner landscape.

So that the full range of expression is available to you.

“Katya’s voice process unearthed layers of trauma that had been buried for years. It was as if decades of pain simply fell away.”

— Hari Alexandra, Somatic Spiritual Counsellor

Leadership is the natural expression of you in your power.

Even without words you radiate this inner knowing of your authentic self.

By releasing the patterns that have been repeating for generations you are pathing a new way.

You live by example.

An embodied emanation of your truth.

A conduit for your authentic voice to express.


This is a 9 step process and intimate 1:1 container

Our sessions will be live and online and last between 1 - 1.5 hours.

We will meet either weekly or bi-weekly depending on how long your system needs to integrate between sessions.

Through our work together we will release the tensions around your reactive and protective mechanisms and create the space needed inside for your voice to expand. Through working through the sections of the body I will guide you to remember how to listen to the information expressed through your unique body and sound.

Each session will reveal what we need to work on but there is also an over-arching process that will be happening. What you notice in-between our sessions will be just as important as our meetings.

Your courage lies in your capacity to witness the full spectrum of sensation and to lovingly draw yourself back to your centre. This means no fixing, rejecting or pushing away.

When you enter this container you consent to embarking on a journey and exploration of your inner world.

“Katya’s deeply compassionate and fiercely encouraging teaching creates a container where you feel safe to truly let go of fear and open your authentic voice.”

— Molly Astely, London

You know that the voice holds the key to your expansion and evolution but you don’t know how to access it

You’ve tried different kinds of healing and therapy but still feel like something foundational is missing

You’re ready for the next stage of intimacy and want to go deeper in your understanding of your inner world

You want to be connected to your personal authority and agency

You want to be more confident in your communication and approach difficult conversations with ease

You want to trust yourself and surrender to the emergent nature of your unique life path

You want to stop doubting yourself and follow your natural instincts

I believe in the power of your voice.

I believe in the bigness of your sound.

I believe in your expansion.

My work is not for everybody.

You have to be ready to embark on this journey of revealing.

You have to be willing to face what has been suppressed and rejected in you.

You need to be willing to choose yourself and to reclaim what is longing to resurface from the depths of you.

Start your journey of returning to your sovereign autonomy by listening to the call that drew you to do this work.

Ask yourself, does it soothe you? Excite you? Scare you? Are you curious?