November 26th - 30th // Pembrokeshire, Wales

5 day mixed retreat

Echoes of Resonance


The authentic voice is the one that quivers from the depths of you. The one who’s sound is not striving for perfection. The authentic voice is born from the unknown. It is born out of darkness. The liberation of its expression is a moment of transcendence. The authentic voice comes through in the trance state.

Over 5 days you will be guided through The Listening Voice process, a step-by-step journey of descent into the body through sound. We start by shifting the awareness from the mind to the breath. We move out of survival breathing and into full-bodied sensation. As we drop deeper, resistance will rise to the surface. The voice helps us to move this resistance.

Moving away from the concept of ‘training’ the voice, instead you will come into relationship with your honest expression of the moment. This expression reveals itself through sensation, allowing your body to re-organise itself back to its original harmony. You will reclaim connection to your instincts and come to trust the intuitive expression and inner guidance of your authentic voice, returning to a state of vibrant aliveness.

Together we will release constricted energies and reach into the depths of our collective separation. We will surrender our voices to the song of the moment.

We will sing and sound until everything around us remembers. Until everything returns to its natural order. Until everything becomes what it always was:


'“This work is such potent medicine. It’s like an ayahuasca ceremony without the ayahuasca.”

-  Linda Yra, Retreat Host

Practical Details & Accommodation

Our home will be Trefacwn, a magical four-acre estate situated on the edge of the Pembrokeshire Coastal National Park, overlooking the Celtic sea. The land has an ancient healing energy that is palpable to all who come. Our work will be held in a sacred round house, a space that will hold our echos of resonance.

// Arrivals: 26th November between 4-5pm

// Closing: 30th November by 12pm

Address: Trefacwn Llanrhian St Davids Haverfordwest , Pembrokeshire SA62 6DP

Nearest Train: Haverfordwest Station


Men’s Dorm (4 beds): £700

Women’s Twin Room: £750

Men’s Twin Room//double: £850 single: £750

Private Double: £950

Price Includes:: all accommodation, food, private chef, sauna facilities, facilitation and organisation of the work, post-retreat integration call, The Listening Voice Workbook and first access to events in the community with discounts on courses and trainings.

In-between sessions we will introduce days of silence. Not speaking outside of our workshop time serves to deeply integrate the work while it is happening and invites us to step beyond our usual forms of communication.

Listening is not a passive act. Listening is vibrant. Alive.

// learn how to ‘clean up the noise’ and discharge excess tension in your body

// enter into altered states through sound and movement

// deep tissue and fascia release, structural body work and natural voice realignment

// reconnect to your inner landscape through sound

// release stagnant emotions to create space for your natural expression

// understand the difference between survival mechanisms and your true expression

// return to the state of active listening: a state of pure presence and receptivity

// learn old European folk songs and polyphonic harmony singing

// pilgrimage to sacred sites and waters

// experience complete surrender in improvisational choir

The Listening Voice process takes you through each section of the body, clearing tension and creating the space for your freedom of expression

In ancient cultures, singing and making sound was a way to commune with nature and be in community. It was an essential part of being human.

Now at the peak of our separate and disjointed culture, more than ever we need our voices to come together.

Are you ready to reclaim your authentic voice and experience the power of the collective voice?

“Before arriving, my mother said: I think this next week is going to change your life. And she was completely right.”

— Isabella Turner, Artist

“I not only came back to myself as a human, artist and teacher, I was also reminded that we cannot teach form until there is freedom of individual expression.”

— Annemette Verspeak, Head of Voice at Guildhall School of Music and Drama

“Katya’s belief in the voice as a tool for self and collective healing is inspiring and contagious.”

— Molly Astley, Artist

“I know why it’s called an initiation - because with this work there is a before and an after. And you will not be the same after”

— India Rose, Producer/Artist/Musician

“Katya is a magician. She guides the group through the unknown with mastery and that is where real transformation happens.”

— Ronan Harrington, Transformational Coach