1st - 10th October


You are here because you heard the call to travel with us to the ancient sands of Egypt.

The Pyramids, the hieroglyphs, the fertile river Nile all send their whispers into your bones.

You are here because something in you, perhaps all of you, is called to bring forth your voice to this landscape with us.


‘How to put into words this work? It is unforgettable, yet totally inexplicable. When I try, I usually cite Katya’s most simplified explanation - ‘Clearing to Creating’, to which I would add two more ‘C’s:

Connection and Community.’

- Bel Veli


We are at a point in the world right now where authentic expression is a rare thing to behold. Unless there has been a journey inwards to remember who you really are, then you will be moving through the world without a connection to your inner compass. If you want to know how you really feel about the world, not what someone told you to think about it, then you need to be inhabiting your body.

Over 9 days you will be guided through The Listening Voice Process, a step-by-step journey of descent into the body through sound. You start by shifting the awareness from the mind, to the breath. You move out of survival breathing and into full-bodied sensation. As you drop deeper resistance will rise to the surface. The voice helps us to move this resistance. From stagnation to movement, you will release the limitations and outdated conditions of the mind.

It is from a place of connection that you retrieve denied, shamed and frozen expressions and bring them home. Moving away from the concept of ‘training’ of the voice, instead you will come into relationship with your honest expression of the moment. This expression reveals itself through sensation, leading you to your natural alignment.

You will remember how to use your voice to clear the noise in your system and allow your body to re-organise itself back to harmony. You will reclaim your connection to your instincts and learn to trust the intuitive expression and inner guidance of your authentic voice, returning to a state of aliveness.

Together we will release constricted energies and reach into the depths of our collective separation. To surrender our voices to the song of the moment.

We will sing and sound until everything around us remembers. Until everything returns to its natural order, until everything becomes what it always was:


Practical Details & Accommodation

Our home will be Ardi Dashur, holistic centre and oasis nestled in a palm grove adjacent to the Dahshur Pyramids on Cairo’s outskirts. Located right next to the Bent and Red pyramid with the Sahara desert on our doorstep, we will pilgrimage to the surrounding sacred sites, pyramids and markets and explore the local songs of the region.

// Arrivals: 1st October between 4pm-6pm. Please arrive within this time frame. There will be options for group transport from the airport. Nearest Airport: Cairo

//Closing: 10th October by 11am

There are 8 spaces available for this Initiation

Apply Here→

Shared Triple Room : €2,200

Shared Twin Room : €2,350

Private Single Room : €2,700

Private Double Room : €2,900

Price Includes:: 9 nights of accommodation, local food cooked by private chef, transport to sacred sites, facilitation and organisation, post-retreat integration call, The Listening Voice Workbook, first access to events in the growing community with discounts on courses and trainings.

*We are offering discounted rates for Egyptian locals and those directly connected to Palestine. Please get in touch here to find out more or to organise a payment plan if needed.

“I don’t feel anything I write will come anywhere close to the potency of this work. I’ve been in many processes in my 20 years of therapeutic work. This has undoubtedly been the most powerful one to date.”

- Helen Squires, Nature based psychotherapist

Listening is not a passive act. Listening is vibrant. Alive.

// learn how to ‘clean up the noise’ and discharge excess tension in your body

// find your authentic voice and connect to the collective voice

// deep tissue and fascia release, structural body work and natural voice realignment

// somatic body mapping and re-patterning of the energy body

// release stagnant emotions to create space for your natural expression

// understand the difference between survival mechanisms and your true expression

// collective clearing, witnessing, movement, sounding

// learn to be in a state of active listening: a state of pure presence and receptivity

// learn traditional songs, polyphonic singing, listen to the soundscape of the land

// pilgrimage to sacred sites in the area

// experience complete surrender in improvisational choir

The Listening Voice process takes you through the sections of the body, clearing tension and creating space around your freedom of expression.

In-between sessions we will introduce days of silence. Not speaking outside of our workshop time serves to deeply integrate the work while it is happening and invites us to step beyond our usual forms of communication.

At the end of our descent we will hold a ceremony of completion. We will celebrate one another, celebrate our journey and celebrate the communion with the land.

In ancient cultures singing and making sound was a way to commune with nature and be in community. It was an essential part of being human.

Now at the peak of our separate and disjointed culture, more than ever we need our voices to come together.

Are you ready to reclaim your authentic voice and experience the power of the collective voice?

“Before arriving my mother said, I think this next week is going to change your life. And she was completely right.”

— Isabella, Artist, London

“I not only came back to myself as a human, artist and teacher, I was also reminded that we cannot teach form until there is freedom of individual expression.”

— Annemette Verspeak, Head of Voice at Guildhall School of Music and Drama

“Katya’s belief of the voice as a tool for self and collective healing is inspiring and contageous.”

— Molly Astley, Artist, London

“I know why its called an initiation, because with this work there is a before, and an after. And you will not be the same after”

— India Rose, Producer/Artist/Musician

“Katya is a magician. She guides the group through the unknown with mastery and that is where real transformation happens.”

— Ronan Harrington, Transformational Coach